Being ‘Entirely Ready’ to be “Consumed by the Fire of [Our] Own Creativity” – Step 6

“Why ask for something before we are ready for it? This would be asking for trouble. So many times addicts have sought the rewards of hard work without the labor.” (The Basic Text, p. 33)


How have you confronted something you dread and taken steps to make things right, lately?



FIRE   – Bruce Springsteen (5:14) 

Rodin Sculptural Meditation on The Thinker and More (5:43)

Alleluia – Gregorian Creation Chant (6:26)


The Thinker

by William Carlos Williams, 1883 – 1963

My wife’s new pink slippers
have gay pom-poms.
There is not a spot or a stain
on their satin toes or their sides.
All night they lie together
under her bed’s edge.
Shivering I catch sight of them
and smile, in the morning.
Later I watch them
descending the stair,
hurrying through the doors
and round the table,
moving stiffly
with a shake of their gay pom-poms!
And I talk to them
in my secret mind
out of pure happiness.Zonr blog on being ready

6 thoughts on “Being ‘Entirely Ready’ to be “Consumed by the Fire of [Our] Own Creativity” – Step 6”

  1. I apologized to my old real estate agent for ditching him, I disclosed my HIV status to someone I’m starting to date, and I confronted someone at work for their poor performance. None of these were pleasant, but they were all necessary and the right thing to do. When I don’t take care of my business, these types of things fester and screw up my attitude until I take appropriate action.

  2. Being of service seems to be the ideal way to keep my feet on the ground but my head and heart seeking to know my HP’s will. When I am given the opportunity to take a service call and accept that I do not have answers, I feel grounded and centered. The spiritual connection – they called, I answered seems to be a gift to me that I am working at least some of the tools of the program.

  3. if my head isn’t in the clouds its usually up my ass. that is when im not working the principles of the program. for example if i would just pause when aggitated, it would save me a buttload of trouble. get it? head up my ass… buttload of trouble. ha ha???

    1. You gotta point there Easy. Zeeding these SFZs gives me a chance to take a look around and share with others how dark it is up inside there.

      Btw, zeeding is planting a seed in the SFZs.

  4. this is really helpful for me to know the balance between work and prayer – sometimes I think it’d be great to shut myself in a room and just pray – but that won’t work.

    1. Ya, like Easy was saying. There are better places for our heads to be. While praying and meditating does help to center me. But being into action, especially if I’m helping someone else, makes me feel even better.

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