Pasadena Society of Artists (PSA) is an organization of professional artists from Pasadena and nearby communities that has continuously exhibited its members’ artwork for over 90 years. Since its inception in 1925, it has evolved into a varied and vital artistic force that nourishes artistic growth in the contemporary art scene.

PSA is one of the original organizations of professional artists in the San Gabriel Valley. With its well-known arts and crafts, tradition and the Arroyo School of painting, Pasadena attracted artists from all over the United States and Europe. And thanks to the members of PSA who guide our Art House guests and community partners in exploring their own creative gifts, our joint Art House Lawn Art events are breathing new life in the Northwest Pasadena arts and the local recovery community. 

In the late 1960s Gay, Lesbian and Trans expression were so severely oppressed that not only were ‘gay bars’ routinely raided, but LGBT members of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) could not even share openly about their loves and struggles when attending their own local meetings. By 1969, a group of seven gay, Angelenos in AA  decided they had had enough.  And so, they banded together and started holding Alcoholics Together (AT) meetings in each other’s homes.  Eventually, by the 1980s, these AT meetings became so popular throughout the LA basin that they were finally recognized by the local and national governing boards of AA.  

After decades of service and settling in their current location, the AT Center (ATC) receives 1000 plus visits weekly as a safe place for the LGBT community and allies to share their collective “experience, strength and hope”.  Today, the 12-step Institute partners with the ATC, alongside other recovery housing facilities like Art House to expand their mission of love, tolerance, sobriety, and inclusion to help the ATC prepare to celebrate its 50th Anniversary in 2019 with new funding for exciting new services already underway.

Our vision is an engaged community where all needs are met. Through our pro bono services, Pasadena nonprofits can achieve more goals and expand the reach of their programs. By matching community talents with community needs, we help nonprofits become more efficient and effective, as well as enrich the lives of volunteers.